How to choose a surfboard

Choosing the right surfboard can be a daunting task, especially if you’re a beginner.

There are a lot of factors to consider, from the type of wave you’ll be surfing to your skill level and personal preferences.

So in this how to choose a surfboard guide, we’ll walk you through the process of selecting the perfect surfboard to help you catch more waves and improve your overall surfing experience.

With the right surfboard, you’ll be able to catch more waves and improve your overall surfing experience.

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced surfer, there’s a surfboard out there that’s perfect for you.

(The Ultimate Guide to Surfboards)

Step 1: Determine Your Skill Level

The first step in choosing the right surfboard is to determine your skill level. This is crucial because the type of surfboard you need will vary based on your experience level. Here are the three main skill levels for surfers:

Beginner Surfboards

If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to start with a surfboard that’s easy to paddle and stable in the water. A longboard or a funboard is a great option for beginners as they offer plenty of stability and buoyancy, making it easier to catch waves and stand up.

Longboards are generally between 8 and 10 feet in length, and have a rounded nose and a wide tail. They are easy to paddle and offer plenty of stability, making them ideal for learning the basics of surfing. Funboards, on the other hand, are slightly smaller than longboards and offer a good balance of stability and maneuverability.

Intermediate Surfboards

As you progress and become more comfortable in the water, you can switch to a smaller surfboard that offers more maneuverability. A fish or a hybrid surfboard is a good option for intermediate surfers as they are more responsive and offer better performance in a variety of conditions.

Fish surfboards are typically between 5 and 7 feet in length and have a wide, round nose and a narrow tail. They are fast and easy to turn, making them great for intermediate surfers who want to progress to more advanced maneuvers. Hybrid surfboards, on the other hand, combine the stability of a longboard with the performance of a shortboard, making them a great choice for surfers who want to take their skills to the next level.

Advanced Surfboards

Advanced surfers have the skills to ride smaller and more challenging waves, which require a high-performance surfboard that’s designed for speed and maneuverability. A shortboard or a gun surfboard is the go-to choice for advanced surfers.

Shortboards are typically less than 7 feet in length and are designed for speed and maneuverability. They are ideal for experienced surfers who want to ride high-performance waves and perform advanced maneuvers. Gun surfboards, on the other hand, are designed for big wave surfing and are longer and narrower than shortboards. They offer more stability at high speeds and steep drops.

It’s important to choose a surfboard that matches your skill level to ensure you have the best possible surfing experience. Beginner surfers should start with a longboard or funboard, intermediate surfers can progress to a fish or hybrid surfboard, and advanced surfers should use a shortboard or gun surfboard.

Step 2: Consider the Wave Conditions

The type of waves you’ll be surfing is another important factor to consider when choosing a surfboard. Waves can be classified as small, medium, or large, and each type of wave requires a different surfboard.

Small Waves

If you’re surfing small waves, a longboard or a funboard is the best option as they provide the stability and buoyancy you need to catch the wave and ride it to the shore. Small waves are typically less than waist high and don’t offer much power or speed, which is why longboards and funboards are great choices for beginners who are just learning to surf.

Longboards are ideal for small waves because they are long and wide, which makes them stable and easy to paddle. Funboards, on the other hand, are smaller and narrower than longboards, but still provide plenty of stability and buoyancy.

Medium Waves

For medium waves, a fish or a hybrid surfboard is a good choice as they offer better maneuverability and can handle the faster, steeper waves. Medium waves are typically waist to chest high and offer more power and speed than small waves, which means you’ll need a surfboard that can handle the increased speed and steepness.

Fish surfboards are designed for speed and maneuverability, making them a great choice for intermediate surfers who want to progress to more advanced maneuvers. Hybrid surfboards, on the other hand, offer a good balance of stability and performance, making them ideal for surfers who want to take their skills to the next level.

Large Waves

For large waves, you’ll need a surfboard that’s designed for speed and maneuverability. A shortboard or a gun surfboard is the best option for large waves as they are able to handle the high speeds and steep drops. Large waves are typically chest high or taller and offer a lot of power and speed, which can be dangerous if you don’t have the right surfboard.

Shortboards are designed for speed and maneuverability, making them the go-to choice for advanced surfers who want to ride high-performance waves and perform advanced maneuvers. Gun surfboards, on the other hand, are designed specifically for big wave surfing and are longer and narrower than shortboards. They offer more stability at high speeds and steep drops, making them ideal for experienced surfers who want to tackle the biggest waves.

The type of waves you’ll be surfing is an important factor to consider when choosing a surfboard. Small waves require a longboard or funboard, medium waves require a fish or hybrid surfboard, and large waves require a shortboard or gun surfboard. Make sure to choose a surfboard that matches the wave conditions to ensure you have the best possible surfing experience.

Step 3: Determine Your Personal Preferences

Your personal preferences also play a role in choosing a surfboard. Factors like board shape, fin setup, and construction can all impact the performance of the surfboard.

Board Shape

The shape of the surfboard affects its performance. A surfboard with a round nose and a wide tail provides more stability and buoyancy, making it easier to catch waves and stand up. These types of surfboards are great for beginners and surfers who prefer a more relaxed, cruising style of surfing.

On the other hand, a surfboard with a pointed nose and a narrow tail offers better maneuverability and is designed for more advanced maneuvers. These types of surfboards are ideal for intermediate and advanced surfers who want to perform more technical maneuvers, such as cutbacks and aerials.

Fin Setup

The fin setup of a surfboard also affects its performance. A thruster fin setup, which consists of three fins, provides better control and maneuverability, making it a good choice for intermediate and advanced surfers. The three fins work together to provide stability and control while allowing the surfer to turn and maneuver with ease.

A quad fin setup, which consists of four fins, offers more speed and stability than a thruster setup. This makes it a great choice for surfers who want to go fast and ride with a lot of power. Quad setups are also good for surfers who ride in larger waves as they provide better control at high speeds.


The construction of a surfboard affects its durability and weight. Epoxy surfboards are lightweight and durable, making them a good choice for beginners and intermediate surfers. They are also resistant to dings and scratches, which makes them a good option for surfers who want a low-maintenance board.

Fiberglass surfboards are heavier than epoxy surfboards, but offer better performance in the water. They are the go-to choice for advanced surfers who want a high-performance board that can handle the rigors of big wave surfing. Fiberglass boards are also more customizable than epoxy boards, which makes them a great choice for surfers who want a board that’s tailored to their specific needs.

Your personal preferences play a big role in choosing a surfboard. Consider factors like board shape, fin setup, and construction to find a board that matches your individual needs and preferences. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced surfer, there’s a surfboard out there that’s perfect for you.

Step 4: Test the Surfboard

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s important to test the surfboard to ensure it’s the right fit for you. It can be difficult to know if a surfboard is right for you until you actually try it out in the water. Many surf shops offer demo days where you can test different surfboards in the water.

Demo days allow you to try out a variety of surfboards and get a feel for how they perform in the water. This is important because even if a surfboard looks good on paper, it may not be the right fit for you based on your individual style and preferences.

When testing a surfboard, make sure to take note of how it feels in the water. Does it paddle well? Is it easy to catch waves? Does it turn and maneuver the way you want it to? These are all important factors to consider when choosing a surfboard.

It’s also important to test the surfboard in a variety of conditions. Try it out in small waves, medium waves, and large waves to get a sense of how it performs in different conditions. This can help you determine if the surfboard is versatile enough to handle a variety of wave sizes and shapes.

If a surf shop doesn’t offer demo days, ask if they have any used surfboards for sale. Buying a used surfboard can be a great way to test out different shapes and styles without committing to a new surfboard. Just make sure to inspect the surfboard carefully for any damage or signs of wear and tear.

Testing a surfboard is an important step in choosing the right surfboard for your individual needs and preferences. Take advantage of demo days or consider buying a used surfboard to try out different shapes and styles in a variety of conditions. By testing different surfboards, you can find the perfect board that will help you progress and take your surfing to the next level.

How do I know what surfboard is right for me?

There are several factors to consider when choosing a surfboard, including your skill level, the wave conditions you’ll be surfing, and your personal preferences for board shape, fin setup, and construction. It’s important to test surfboards in the water to find the right fit for you.

What size surfboard should I get for my height and weight?

Your height and weight are important factors to consider when choosing a surfboard, but they aren’t the only factors. Other factors include your skill level and the wave conditions you’ll be surfing. A good rule of thumb is to choose a surfboard that’s between 2 and 3 feet taller than you.

What size surfboard should I get for my height?

Your height is an important factor to consider when choosing a surfboard, but it’s not the only factor. Other factors include your skill level and the wave conditions you’ll be surfing. A good rule of thumb is to choose a surfboard that’s between 2 and 3 feet taller than you.

Is a 7ft surfboard good for beginners?

A 7ft surfboard can be a good choice for beginners, but it depends on the individual’s skill level and the wave conditions they’ll be surfing. A longboard or a funboard is typically a better choice for beginners as they offer more stability and buoyancy.

What size surfboard should a beginner start with?

Beginners should start with a surfboard that’s easy to paddle and stable in the water. A longboard or a funboard is a great option for beginners as they offer plenty of stability and buoyancy, making it easier to catch waves and stand up. A good size for a beginner’s surfboard is between 8 and 10 feet in length.